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Sixth Form News

Enrolment to our amazing  Sixth Form is open!

Congratulations to all out Year 11 and Year 13 students. We have an incredible Sixth Form and continue to enrol our past Year 11s and those that are new to Carlton that meet our inclusive entry requirements. For further details or a discussion about the amazing courses and support we offer contact or look at our website

Sixth Form students from The Carlton Academy, part of the Redhill Academy Trust, are celebrating excellent A level results with a 96.3% pass rate and with 39.8% of grades secured at A* to B and over 64% being A* to C.   

This year sees more than 40 students progressing on to university, with a significant number heading to Russell Group Universities including Oxford, whilst others have successfully gained apprenticeships, including lucrative positions with Rolls Royce and the RAF. 

Head of Sixth Form, Ms Amy Jennings, said: “It is often forgotten that this cohort of students did not get the opportunity to sit their GCSEs; their A level exams were, therefore, the first external exams they had sat since primary school. They did not let this disruption define them though. Instead, they caught up on lost learning, developed their independence and embraced the challenges of completing new qualifications with requirements to complete coursework, sit multiple exams and demonstrate expertise through practical assignments. Our students have worked immensely hard to achieve these results: the time, energy and passion with which they worked was remarkable and it has been a privilege to see the class of 2023 develop into the strong and independent adults that are clearly ready for any new challenge that awaits them. We congratulate the success of every student. These results are a brilliant reflection of their determination and potential. We wish our students every happiness in their future lives.” 

With many Carlton students are now heading to universities across the country, the range of subjects being studied is vast, ranging from Politics, Criminology and Psychology, to Nursing, Law, Architecture and Medicine.