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Medical Conditions and Medicines in School

We are aware that there are times when students need to take medication to manage either a short term or longer term condition.  In 2015, the DfE issued updated guidance on the managing of medications in school and supporting students with medical conditions. Some useful key points from this are detailed below:

  • students are permitted to carry and self-administer their own medicines in school
  • parents of children, with medical conditions or taking medicines, are responsible for informing the school if they feel that their child requires additional support in managing their needs
  • if a parent asks for support, a meeting will take place with between the school and parent (and any relevant Health Care professionals). Any agreement to support a child will be recorded using a Medical Conditions Health Care Plan
  • once implemented, any plan will be reviewed annually or as and when conditions change as notified by the parent or Health Care professional
  • the school can only accept prescribed medications that are in date, labelled and provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist. This must include instructions for administration, dosage and storage. Parents have a responsibility to bring medication into school as it cannot and will not be accepted from students.
  • if a student sustains an injury that has resulted in a restriction to their mobility, e.g. crutches, it is essential that the parent informs school and a risk assessment is carried out
  • Controlled Drugs will always be administered by school and will be subject to a Medical Conditions Health Care Plan. A link to the current list of Controlled Drugs is on our website and parents are responsible for checking their child’s medication against this list or seeking medical guidance for clarification against the list of controlled drugs before asking school to administer

Medication Administration Consent Form

This Medication Administration in School Form to Complete for medication being stored and administered in school:

  • on a long term basis (e.g. pain killers, antihistamines) 
  • on a short term basis (e.g. antibiotics)
  • daily medication (e.g. for ADHD)
  • emergency medication (e.g. for asthma, severe allergies, epilepsy, diabetes) 

* Any inhalers and autoinjector pens stored in school must be additional to the set carried by students on their person. 

This form must be completed before any medications are stored or administered in school.

A list of Controlled Drugs can be found here:

A copy of the Supporting Students with Medical Conditions policy can be found in our policies section.

Please contact the Student Receptionist and Health Care Assistant on Student Reception regarding:

  • risk assessments following injury or new medical diagnosis
  • IHCP (Individual Health Care Plan) for current or new medical diagnosis - new or renewed
  • updates on medical status i.e. new medication, injury updates, doctors reviews