Key Stage 3 Curriculum
Students study the taught curriculum below in Key Stage 3. This offers both breadth and focus on a wide range of skills and knowledge.
- English - this includes an hour of Accelerated Reading for all students
- Maths
- Science
- Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE) following the locally agreed syllabus
- Physical Education
- Geography
- History
- Art
- Design Technology - taught as a rotation of Resistant Materials, Food and Textiles
- Computing
- Music
- Drama
- Modern Foreign Languages - Students have the opportunity to study both Spanish and French during Key Stage 3
Students in Key Stage 3 are taught in mixed ability group for all subjects with the exception of Maths; this is set by prior attainment and based on outcomes in Year 6 and teacher assessments.
Once a week, during tutor time, the whole school takes part in Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) time, supporting our ambitions of raising reading ages. In years 7 and 8, students have a 15 minute start to one lesson per day that is used for DEAR time.
Targeted support is given to students who have reading and / or literacy levels that require support to successfully access the wider curriculum.
For any questions regarding the curriculum in Key Stage 3, please contact Ms K Salvin Assistant Head Teacher with responsibility for curriculum.